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«Teseo fed only on dandelions for 30 days and that is how he managed to defeat the minotaur. To defeat evil without forgetting. The power of nature to vanquish the atrocities committed by men.»


by Ermanno Tedeschi
27 JANUARY 2020 - 27 JANUARY 2021

On the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020, NATO Headquarters in Brussels opened its doors for the first time to art by hosting a site-specific installation by Carla Chiusano: two canvasses mounted on an actual rail of the train (dating from 1932) and wrapped in barbed wire on which each participant was able to place fresh dandelions, the symbol of peace and hope.

This was a participatory artistic performance to remember and reflect on the errors of the past, because without memory it is not possible to construct the present and the future. And at the same time a message of hope in the strength and confidence that only the beauty of nature is able to transmit, against the atrocities committed by humanity.

On 27 January 2021, Carla’s Dandelions were again part of the commemorations of International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Brussels in the presence of the Vice Secretary General of NATO Mircea Geoana. To renew, year after year, its message of peace and hope.

See video of the ceremony


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